Pneumonia in Children

Pneumonia in children, which belongs to the category of epidemic febrile diseases in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is equivalent to asthma and cough diseases in TCM. Clinically, fever, cough, expectoration, wheezing, and even nares flaring are the main clinical manifestations. Traditional Chinese medicine mainly treats pneumonia with oral Chinese medicine decoction. With the help of Stevia, the taste of TCM decoction has been significantly improved, which is beneficial for children to take. In the case of clear pathogens, the necessary antibiotics should be used, in addition, it can also be combined with the comprehensive treatment of TCM, such as child massage, scraping therapy, cupping therapy, acupoint application and ultrasonic medicine penetration, semiconductor laser irradiation, TCM atomization inhalation and other treatment methods, which can promote the absorption of inflammation, clear airway mucus and improve the function of airway mucus, improve the prognosis, reduce complications and significantly reduce the recurrence of the disease. TCM comprehensive treatment can not only treat the disease itself, but also symptomatic treatment, such as shortening the fever time, reducing cough and promoting sputum discharge, improving appetite, relieving nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, which can significantly improve the quality of life, reflecting the characteristics of TCM treatment of disease and body conditioning at the same time, individuality-concerned treatment.