Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a common and difficult disease in the digestive system. It is characterized by continuous or recurrent diarrhea, mucus bloody purulent stool accompanied by abdominal pain, tenesmus, and with other various degrees of symptoms of the whole body, including skin, mucosa, joints, eyes, liver gallbladder and other extraintestinal manifestations. Western medicine focuses on internal medicine treatment, but there are some problems such as repeated attacks in remission period and drug side effects caused by long-term maintenance treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine has certain advantages and characteristics in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. The digestion center combines the stage of ulcerative colitis in western medicine with the syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine, using "active phase-remission phase" step-by-step treatment. In the active stage, the syndrome of intestinal dampness-heat should be treated according to the principle of clearing away heat and dampness, and removing stagnation of blood. In the remission stage, the syndrome of lingering pathogen due to deficient vital qi, that should be treated according to the principle of invigorating the spleen and kidney, regulating qi and removing dampness and removing stasis, and on the basis of etiological treatment, the traditional Chinese medicine should be treated according to the syndrome differentiation. At the same time, it can combine with traditional Chinese medicine rectal drip and other characteristic therapies. Traditional Chinese medicine rectal drip therapy has characteristics of direct access to the disease, long retention time, good absorption and patient comfort. The comprehensive use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment makes many ulcerative colitis patients get good treatment and control.