Feng Quanfu

Feng Quanfu (1902 - 1989), Manchu, a native of Beijing. Feng's Kneading Therapy (that is, Kneading Feng) has a history of more than 100 years in the capital city, which is well-known to the people. Mr. Feng learned from his father, Feng Peicheng, as the fourth generation of Feng's Kneading Therapy. In 1940, he began to practice medicine independently and soon became famous throughout the city.

In 1959, he was transferred to the Pediatric Department of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where he served as Chief Physician, he once acted as Director and Adviser of Beijing Association of Chinese Medicine, Director and Adviser of Beijing Academy of Pediatrics of TCM, and etc. In 1981, he was identified as the priority academic experience inheritance object among the famous old doctors of TCM in Beijing. Infantile malnutrition is a common disease among children. He believed that the Governor Vessel controlled Yang of the whole body. It could dredge Qi and blood, adjust the functions of spleen, stomach and intestines through pushing and pinching it, so that the digestion function is normal, appetite is improved, weight is increased, and the body will recover slowly. Kneading therapy is simple, painless and effective. It has become a popular and effective traditional therapy for infantile malnutrition, which is easily accepted by parents and children in Beijing. Recent scientific research results have also proved that this method can improve the absorption function of small intestine and restore serum gastrin to normal. Mr. Feng summed up his many years' experiences and wrote the papers such as Outline of Feng's Kneading Therapy, Clinical Observation of Kneading Therapy and Its Effect on Small Intestinal Absorption Function. He also published the book Feng's Kneading Therapy, which made this simple and effective treatment method popularized. His successors are Wu Dong, Zhai Shicui, and etc.