
It is called adenomyosis when endometrial glands and stroma invade the myometrium. This disease often causes severe dysmenorrhea, accompanied by increased menstrual volume and prolonged menstruation, and seriously affects the quality of life of patients. Our Department has inherited the experience of distinguished experts of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as Liu Fengwu, an imperial physician in Beijing, Chai Songyan, a TCM Grand Master , and Liu Kun, a instructor of National-level TCM Doctor’ Experience Inheritance Work, formed a set of systematic treatment plan with TCM characteristics, including: TCM oral administration, TCM soaking and washing, TCM enema, ultrasonic drug penetration treatment, medium frequency electrotherapy, and combining with hospital preparations acupoint application, and vaginal administration with  Zigong Ding, a type of TCM drag.  After many years of clinical practice, the treatment program has significant effect on improving the clinical symptoms and the quality of life of patients.